Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome to Powershot!

Welcome to Powershot, the creative world of A. James Robin! In the upcoming weeks, I will be posting such items as my original poetry and short stories, as well as the occasional opinionated post. But my favorite feature of this blog will be the Top 100 lists, chronicling what I think are the 100 best in books, songs, cds, movies, tv moments, etc. I'm sure that as time goes by, it will become quite apparent that I'm addicted to lists.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering: 'Why did you call it Powershot'?
Well, there are three reasons why:

1. On the video game Megaman 8, it's what Megaman yells as he's charging up his laser....that's where I first heard the reference.

2. More importantly, it's the name of one of my best and most successful poems.

3. As they say, 'knowledge is power', and I'm hoping that my Top 100 lists will give readers the power to know what is excellent in the realm of the arts, and beyond.

So, welcome to my corner of the web...I hope you enjoy it!

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